Download individual components of the ERP CORE dataset.

  component = c("n170", "mmn", "n2pc", "n400", "p3", "lrp", "ern"),
  dest_path = NULL,
  conflicts = "error",
  type = c("raw", "bids", "all")

get_n170(dest_path = NULL, conflicts = "error", type = c("raw", "bids", "all"))

get_mmn(dest_path = NULL, conflicts = "error", type = c("raw", "bids", "all"))

get_n2pc(dest_path = NULL, conflicts = "error", type = c("raw", "bids", "all"))

get_n400(dest_path = NULL, conflicts = "error", type = c("raw", "bids", "all"))

get_p3(dest_path = NULL, conflicts = "error", type = c("raw", "bids", "all"))

get_lrp(dest_path = NULL, conflicts = "error", type = c("raw", "bids", "all"))

get_ern(dest_path = NULL, conflicts = "error", type = c("raw", "bids", "all"))



Options are:

  • "n170": download data for the face-specific N170 component.

  • "mmn": download data for the Mismatch Negativity component.

  • "n2pc": download data for the N2pc spatial attention component.

  • "n400": download data for the N400 semantic mismatch component.

  • "p3": download the P3 data.

  • "lrp": download the Lateralized Readiness Potential data.

  • "ern": download the Error-Related Negativity dataset.


destination file path


This determines what happens when a file with the same name exists at the specified destination. Can be one of the following:

  • "error" (the default): throw an error and abort the file transfer operation.

  • "skip": skip the conflicting file(s) and continue transferring the remaining files.

  • "overwrite": replace the existing file with the transferred copy.


The data is in three different formats:

  • "raw": download the raw data and scripts.

  • "bids": download the raw data in scripts in a BIDS compatible format.

  • "all": download the raw and processed data and scripts.


  • get_n170: Retrieve N170 data

  • get_mmn: Retrieve MMN data

  • get_n2pc: Retrieve N2pc data

  • get_n400: Retrieve N400 data

  • get_p3: Retrieve P3 data

  • get_lrp: Retrieve LRP data

  • get_ern: Retrieve LRP data


Kappenman, E.S., Farrens, J.L., Zhang, W., Stewart, A.X., & Luck, S.J. (2020). ERP CORE: An Open Resource for Human Event-Related Potential Research. NeuroImage.


Matt Craddock